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Who are you?

Hey! I'm Nathan Brown. I've graduated high school (!!), but in the fall, I will be attending UT Austin as a freshman majoring in mathematics and hopefully minoring in finance, econ, stats, etc. I enjoy:

  • playing chess (I've played in 50+ in-person tournaments! here's a recap of one I did particularly well in)
  • eating delicious food (chicken quesadillas, waffles, German sausages, medium-rare hamburgers, apples, etc. I LOVE APPLES and eat 28-35 apples per week, which works out to ~1600 apples/year. Yes I know this is abnormal behavior. I am relatively healthy, so I often joke that I take the "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" quote to its extreme.)
  • journaling daily (I wrote a whole article on this)
  • listening to music & hanging out with friends (yes, I enjoy this, but literally everyone says this when someone asks "what do you like to do in your free time?" whatever, I'm including it here because I do enjoy it)
  • playing Minecraft (Java) or The Battle Cats (mobile). (Minecraft, specifically 4v4v4v4 Bedwars, on Hypixel is fast-paced, whereas The Battle Cats is a pretty relaxing game to grind that's more of a marathon than a sprint.)

What do you write about?

All sorts of stuff. Go read my articles and you'll figure it out.

What should I do first?

  1. Go to the front page and look for articles you might like. If you're having trouble deciding on one to read, try a random one.
  2. If you like my articles, please share them with your friends!