FAQ & Contact & Support

I would make these separate pages, but they are all short on their own. So I figured I would just combine all of the pages into one.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm not receiving your emails! What should I do? First, check to make sure you're subscribed. If you are, check your spam folder in your inbox.
  • I've noticed an error in one of your articles! What should I do? Thanks for catching that error! Please submit it in this form.
  • Why did you choose the domain name of ntnbr.com? This blog originally started with the domain name nathanbrown.ghost.io, which is way too long. So I searched on Google Domains and found ntnbr.com, which is short (5 characters), has a great top-level domain (.com), and is easy to say out loud (n-t-n-b-r has a nice ring to it).



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